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Since 1989 Panorama of Russia has specialized in academic and reference publications from the Russian Federation and the Commonwealth of Independent States. |
Fiction and Poetry
Total records: 196 | [ 1 ] | [ 2 ] | [ 3 ] | [ 4 ] | [ 5 ] | [ 6 ] | [ 7 ] |
Code: 011877 Rossiia Glazami Zhenshchin
[ Rossiia Glazami Zhenshchin : ] Tenafly (NJ): Hermitage, 1989 Language: Russian | Price: $ 16.00 | This anthology includes excerpts from the works of such famous Russian women authors as A. Akhmatova, M. Tsvetaeva, N. Mandel`shtam, Aksenova-Ginzburg, L. Chukovskaia, Bella Akhmadulina, and others. The book was compiled with the purpose of illustrating various aspects of soviet social life. | |
| | Code: 021740 Kafanov, A.I., V.A. Kudriashov Vydaiushchiesia Uchenye -- Biogeografy Bibliograficheskii Spravochnik [ Vydaiushchiesia Uchenye -- Biogeografy : Bibliograficheskii Spravochnik ] Moscow: Nauka, 2007 Language: Russian | Price: $ 22.00 | This book presents the first comprehensive illustrated overview of biographical and bibliographical data relating to all fields of bio-geographers. It Includes brief biographies with bibliographical references of 289 Russian and foreign scientists of the 17-20th centuries, gives a brief account of their bio-geographical concepts and contains a list of their most important publications. | |
| | Code: 001933-8 Okudzhava, B.Sh bednyi Avrosimov
[ bednyi Avrosimov : From notes of retired officer Amiran Amilakhvari: Novel : In two books ] Ekaterinburg: U-Faktoriia, 2003? Language: Russian | Price: $ 45.00 | This is is the eighth book in the series of works by Bulat Okudzhava (1924-1997). All books are designed and illustrated by the same artist Galina Vanshenkina. Standing order is available. | |
| | Code: 019860 Girshovich, Leonid Vii", Vokal`nyi Tsikl Shuberta na Slova Gogolia Roman [ "Vii", The song cycle of Schubert in the words of Gogol : A Novel ] Moscow: Tekst, 2005 Language: Russian | Price: $ 20.80 | Leonid Girshovich (b. 1948), a writer and musician, is the author of several critically acclaimed novels: Prias (1998); Zamknutye Miry Doktora Praisa (2001); Subbota Navsegda (2001). | |
| | Code: 002911 Stogoff, Il`ia 1999. Roman v Stile Tekhno Roman [ 1999. A Novel in the style of Techno : Roman ] St. Petersburg: Amfora, 2004 Language: Russian | Price: $ 22.50 | This book is about the St. Petersburg informal culture of the last thirty years. The novel is populated by local cult heroes, and narrates the main events of cultural underground life: from rock clubs to rave parties. | |
| | Code: 019866 Matveeva, Novella Kasseta Snov
[ A Cassette of dreams : ] Moscow: APART, 1998 Language: Russian | Price: $ 18.00 | This collection of works by a famous poet and bard Novella Matveeva includes her three plays (Predskazanie Engli, Traktir "Chetveren`ki", Alisa v Zakulis`e), the story Dama-Brodiaga and ten poems. Illustrated with original works by the author and E. | |
| | Code: 015556 Osipov, Garik Tovar dlia Rotshil`da
[ A Commodity for Rothshield : ] Moscow: Mitin Zhurnal, Kolonna Publications, 2003 Language: Russian | Price: $ 12.00 | Garik Osipov, one of the most influential cultural figures of Russia. He is a radio and TV host of several musical shows, and played in a two films. This is his first book of prose. | |
| | Code: 017054 Gurevich, Shimon Diuzhina Nozhei v Spinu Kroshki Tsakhesa Iz Tsiklov "Lagernye Rasskazy" i "Khozhdenie po Mukam" [ A Dozen stabs in the back to Black Dwarf : From the cycles "Camp stories" and "Walking in torment" ] Tomsk-Moscow: Vodolei Publishers, 2004 Language: Russian | Price: $ 21.00 | Shimon (Semen Khaimovich) Gurevich (1912-2002), the head of a surveying party working in the Far North, Central Asia, Siberia, and Belorussia, veteran of the WW2, emigrated to Israel in 1977. At the age of 80 he published his first book of poetry and later a second one. | |
| | Code: 007599 Parnakh, Valentin (Parnak, Valentin) Zhirafovidnyi Istukan
[ A Giraffe like an idol : 50 poems. Translations. Essays ] Moscow: Piataia strana, Gileia, 2000 Language: Russian | Price: $ 18.00 | Valentin Parnakh (1891-1951) was an active figure of the Russian and European avant-garde in the 1920s as poet, ballet director, and translator. This is a collection of his poetry in Russian, poetry translated by him into Russian, and his essays first published in French. | |
| | Code: 014567 Ulitskaia, Liudmila Veselye Pokhorony
[ A Merry funeral : ] Moscow: EKSMO-Press, 2002 Language: Russian | Price: $ 13.50 | 1998 Booker Nominee. | |
| | Code: 015791 Grossman, Leonid Ruletenburg: Povest` o Dostoevskom Roman - Biografiia [ A Story of Dostoevskii : Roman - Biografiia ] Moscow: Zakharov, 2002 Language: Russian | Price: $ 22.50 | The title Ruletenburg belongs to Dostoevskii himself, it was the original name of his novel which later became The Idiot. L. Grossman took this title for his documentary novel about Dostoevskii: his participation in Petrshevskii`s circle, interrogation, civil execution, katorga (famous "House of the Dead", and return to St. | |
| | Code: 018604 Popov, Valerii Tret`e Dykhanie Povest` [ A Third wind : Story ] Moscow: Ekscmo, 2004 Language: Russian | Price: $ 19.50 | A new book by the well known Russian writer Valerii Popov was awarded the Ivan Petrovich Belkin literary award. The rough story of an intelligentsia of middle age who found himself in gridlock, of St. Petersburg turned into a big construction site on the eve of its jubilee. | |
| | Code: 017251 L`vovskii, S Slovo o Tsvetakh i Sobakakh
[ A Word about flowers and dogs : ] Moscow: Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie, 2003 Language: Russian | Price: $ 21.00 | This is a collection of prose by one of the most interesting new poets and journalists Stanislav L`vovskii (b. 1972). "Soft wave" - a series of the latest Russian prose, which offers a literature with a new understanding of man and his relationship with the world and language. | |
| | Code: 019782 Mal`gin, Andrei Sovetnik Presidenta Roman [ Advisor to the president : A Novel ] Tver`: Kolonna, 2005 Language: Russian | Price: $ 19.00 Special price: $ 17.10 | This is a political satire on the modern Russian political establishment. The main character, an easily recognized Russian writer, becomes an adviser on human rights to Putin. His family tries to take advantage of his new position in the president`s administration. | |
| | Code: 014145 Fet, A.A Afanasii Fet: Stikhotvoreniia
[ Afanasii Fet: Verse : ] St. Petersburg: Akademicheskii Proekt, 2001 Language: Russian | Price: $ 18.00 | This is the collected works (417 poems) by the outstanding Russian poet Afanasii Fet (1820-1892). Introduction by the historian of Russian poetry Igor` Sukhikh. Comments by A.V. Uspenskaia. | |
| | Code: 006388 Grebenshchikov, B.B Akvarium: Teksty XX Veka
[ Akvarium: Texts of the twentieth century : ] St. Petersburg: Gelikon Plius, 2001 Language: Russian | Price: $ 28.50 | The music group Akvarium and its lead singer and author Boris Grebenshchikov are cult figures of 1970-1990s. His place in Russian musical culture may be compared with Bob Dylan`s in American music. This is a collection of songs from his last thirty-one records released in 1990s. | |
| | Code: 003450 Minkina, Elena Vse, Chto Ty Dal Mne Povesti, Rasskazy, P`esy [ All you gave to me : Stories and plays ] Moscow-St. Petersburg: E.RA, Retro, 2004 Language: Russian | Price: $ 37.50 | This is a collection of works of Elena Minkina, a physician by education, born in Moscow, who has lived in Israel since 1991. It includes her ten stories and two plays. The main characters of her books are Russian Jews of several generations who endured all hardships, and who learned the happiness of living in peace with other nations in their historic homeland. | |
| | Code: 011856 Genis, A Amerikanskaia Azbuka
[ American ABC : ] Tenafly (NJ): Hermitage, 1994 Language: Russian | Price: $ 16.00 | The renowned literary critic and journalist creates in this book a unique, "stained-glass" picture of contemporary America. Dry names like "automobile", "bank", "motel", "restaurant", "church", etc. title fascinating essays on the semiotics of everyday life as understood by a Russian writer. | |
| | Code: 002211 Shvarts, Evgenii Obyknovennoe Chudo P`esy [ An Ordinary miracle : Plays ] Moscow: Im. Klassika, 2001 Language: Russian | Price: $ 12.00 | This is a collection of the four best known plays of Evgenii Shvarts (1896-1958): An Ordinary miracle, Shadow, Dragon, and The Naked King. | |
| | | Code: 019766 Tuchkov, Vladimir I Zarabotal Mnogo Dollarov... Novye Russkie Skazki
[ And made a lot of money... New Russian tales : ] Moscow: Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie, 2005 Language: Russian | Price: $ 19.00 | This is a collection of parodies on parable and fables by Leo Tolstoi (Russkie Knigi dlia Chteniia). Using the same artistic method V. Tuchkov show the modern state of Russian morality and legality, relations between authorities and people. | |
| | Code: 001075 Romanov, S.A Baiki pro "Novykh Russkikh", Sem`iu i Teshchu, Voditelei i Gaishnikov
[ Anecdotes about "New Russians", family and mothers-in-law, drivers and the militia : ] Moscow: Eksmo-Press, 1999 Language: Russian | Price: $ 13.50 | This is a collection of modern anecdotes by Sergei Romanov published in the popular newspaper Moskovskii Komsomolets. These stories are about new types of characters and relations of Russian life. | |
| | Code: 012584 Antologiia Aforizmov
[ Anthology of Aphorisms : ] Moscow: Gamma-S.A., 1999 Language: Russian | Price: $ 19.50 | A Collection of over seven thousand Russian and foreign aphorisms of all times and peoples taken from Russian books published in the last forty years organized by subject. Bibliography and author index. | |
| | Code: 006033 Antologiia Ivritskoi Literatury Evreiskaia Literaura XIX-XX Vekov v Russkikh Perevodakh [ Anthology of Hebrew literature : Jewish Literature of the 19th-20th centuries translated into Russian ] Moscow: RGGU, 1999 Language: Russian and Hebrew | Price: $ 33.00 | This anthology is the result of a course on the history of modern Jewish literature written in Hebrew which professor Kh. Bar-Iosef read in the Russian State Humanities University at the department of Bible Studies and Judaism. | |
| | Code: 002202 Tokareva, Viktoriia Malo li Chto Byvaet…
[ Anything could happen… : ] Moscow: AST, 2004 Language: Russian | Price: $ 19.50 | A collection of stories of the last ten years. | |
| | Code: 003241-3 Shiffers, Evgenii Prilozheniia k Proizvedeniam E. Shiffersa Kommentarii, Bibliografiia, Ukazateli [ Appendices to E. Shiffers`s works : Comments, bibliography, indices ] Moscow: Russkii Institut, 2005 Language: Russian | Price: $ 29.90 | This is a collection of works by Evgenii L`vovich Shiffers (1934-1997), an outstanding Russian theater and film director, writer, religious philosopher and mystic of the 20th century. Many times his artistic work was interrupted by the soviet ideological authorities, and he was forced to start over in another place and on another subject. | |
| | Code: 006464 Chekhov, A./Akunin, B B. Akunin. Chaika; Anton Chekhov. Chaika
[ B. Akunin. Seagull; Anton Chekhov. Seagull : ] St. Petersburg: Neva; Olma-Press, 2001 Language: Russian | Price: $ 13.00 | This is a sequel to the famous play by Anton Chekhov by the bestselling writer Boris Akunin (Grigorii Chkhartishvili). What if Konstantin Gavrilovich, one of the main characters, did not commit suicide, but was murdered…? Who did it? Akunin offers as many answers as there were characters sitting in the dining room. | |
| | Code: 016701 Kuznetsov, Dmitrii Pered Vzryvom
[ Before the explosion : ] St. Petersburg: Akademicheskii proekt, 2002 Language: Russian | Price: $ 19.50 | This novel was first published on the Internet and now as a book. It is about one political intrigue started by Germany during the first Russian revolution of 1905. The history of the The Russian Polytechnic Institution in St. | |
| | Code: 005672 Sechkin, Gennadii Za Koliuchei Provolokoi
[ Behind barbed wire : ] Moscow: Politbiuro, 1999 Language: Russian | Price: $ 19.50 | This is the autobiography of a man who spent fifteen years in correctional institutions, went through starving, humiliation, torture, and feigned shooting, but survived not only physically, but spiritually. | |
| | Code: 001265 Dudintsev, V.D Mezhdu Dvumia Romanami Povest` [ Between two novels : Story ] St. Petersburg: Zhurnal `Neva`; Letnii Sad, 2000 Language: Russian | Price: $ 12.00 | This is an autobiographical story by Vladimir Dudintsev about three decades of his life between his two novels which became milestones in his life: Not by Bread Alone (1956) and White Cloth (1987). The first novel made Dudintsev famous and persona non grata overnight. | |
| | Code: 001835 Valuev, P.A Chernyi Bor Povesti, Stat`i [ Black forest : Stories, articles ] Moscow: Agraf, 2002 Language: Russian | Price: $ 25.50 | Count Petr Valuev (1815-1890), a well known Russian statesman of the mid of the 19th century and theologian, became a writer at end of his life. This book includes his best stories U Pokrova v Levshine (1881), Chernyi Bor (1887), and his articles: Religious Times of Troubles and persecutions in the 5th-12th centuries; Religion and science. | |
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