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Since 1989 Panorama of Russia has specialized in academic and reference publications from the Russian Federation and the Commonwealth of Independent States.

International Relations and Geopolitical Studies

Total records: 906
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Code: 002570
Sharyi, Andrei
Tribunal: Khronika Nezavershennoi Voiny

[ Tribunal: Khronika Nezavershennoi Voiny : ]
Moscow: Prava Cheloveka, 2003
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 21.00
This is a collection of essays by a well-known Russian journalist Andrei Sharyi (b. 1965), Radio Liberty`s field reporter in the former Yugoslavia. It is an attempt to comprehend the legal and moral experience, the international community acquired in its search for "Balkan justice" and due to its will to find and punish the guilty.
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Code: 007332-2
Vremia Mira
Al`manakh Sovremennykh Issledovanii…: Vypusk 2. Struktury Istorii

[ Vremia Mira : Al`manakh Sovremennykh Issledovanii…: Vypusk 2. Struktury Istorii ]
Novosibirsk: Sibirskii Khronograf, 2001
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 42.00
This is the second issue of the Almanac for Modern Studies in Theoretical History, Microsociology, Geopolitics, World-Systems and Civilization Analysis is the result of the united efforts of scholars around the world, including Russian historians.
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Code: 021981
Nauka, Tekhnika i Obshchestvo Rossii i Germanii vo Vremia Pervoi Mirovoi Voiny

[ Nauka, Tekhnika i Obshchestvo Rossii i Germanii vo Vremia Pervoi Mirovoi Voiny : ]
St. Petersburg: Nestor Istoriia, 2007
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 41.00
The monograph provides a historical comparative analysis of relations between science, technology and society in Germany and Russia during WWI. Different aspects of the influence of the war on the organization of science, its interaction with military industry, the correlation of fundamental and applied studies, the system of international contacts, norms and values of the scientific community are examined in articles of Russian and German authors.
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Code: 023435
Stiglits, Dzhozef Iudzhin (Joseph E. Stiglitz)
Revushchie Devianostye
Semena Razvala

[ Revushchie Devianostye : Semena Razvala ]
Moscow: Sovremennaia Ekonomika i Pravo, 2005
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 59.00
A famous work of the 2001 Nobel prize winner in economics Joseph E. Stiglitz in which he analyzes American economic development in 1990s-early 2000s.
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Code: 019377
Kudashkin, V.V
Gosudarstvennoe Regulirovanie Torgovli Produktsiei Voennogo Naznacheniia s Inostrannymi Gosudarstvami
Teoriia i Praktika

[ Gosudarstvennoe Regulirovanie Torgovli Produktsiei Voennogo Naznacheniia s Inostrannymi Gosudarstvami : Teoriia i Praktika ]
St. Petersburg: Iuridicheskii Tsentr Press, 2003
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 37.50
The forming of a legal basis of international military-technical collaboration began ten years ago in Russia. During this period a law and tens of bylaws were adopted regulating the sphere of export of military production.
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Code: 018948
Cherchill`, R. and U. (R. & W. Churchill)
Shestidnevnaia Voina

[ Shestidnevnaia Voina : ]
Moscow-Jerusalem: Mosty Kul`tury, Gesharim, 2003
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 24.00
The history of the blitzkrieg of Israel against Egypt, Syria and Jordan in 1967.
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Code: 020526
Rossiia i Tsentral`no-Vostochnaia Evropa: V Dvukh Tomakh
Transformatsii v Kontse XX - Nachale XXI Veka: Preobrazovaniia. Vzaimootnosheniia

[ Rossiia i Tsentral`no-Vostochnaia Evropa: V Dvukh Tomakh : Transformatsii v Kontse XX - Nachale XXI Veka: Preobrazovaniia. Vzaimootnosheniia ]
Moscow: Nauka, 2005
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 45.50
This two-volume monographic study focuses on the principal trends of economic and political transformations in Russia and Central-Eastern Europe in late 20th - early 21st centuries, their complexity and consequences as well as the evolving new environment for the development of relations between Russia and the eastern post-soviet countries.
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Code: 011377
Cherniakov, Iu
Diplomaty, Chinovniki, i Drugie
Sovetskie Ministry Inostrannykh Del (1917-1991)

[ Diplomaty, Chinovniki, i Drugie : Sovetskie Ministry Inostrannykh Del (1917-1991) ]
New York (NY): Azimut, 1996
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 15.00
This book is about Russian foreign ministers of the Soviet epoch from L. Trotskii to Eduard Shevarnadze, and other diplomats.
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Code: 019350
Pravo i Mezhgosudarstvennye Ob`edinenii

[ Pravo i Mezhgosudarstvennye Ob`edinenii : ]
St. Petersburg: Iuridicheskii Tsentr Press, 2003
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 36.00
This collective monograph deals with problems of interaction and development of interstate associations set up both within the frame of the CIS, like the Union of Russia and Belorussia, and on the territory of Europe, like the European Union.
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Code: 019307
Kudashkin, V.V
Pravovoe Regulirovanie Mezhdunarodnykh Chastnykh Otnoshenii

[ Pravovoe Regulirovanie Mezhdunarodnykh Chastnykh Otnoshenii : ]
St. Petersburg: Iuridicheskii Tsentr Press, 2004
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 39.00
This work analyzes legal regulation of international private relations lying in the intersection of national legal systems. It discusses the appropriate legal form of regulation of private relations, agreements, and business transactions, etc.
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Code: 020452
Paips, Richard (Pipes, Richard)
Ia Zhil: Memuary Neprimknyvshego

[ Ia Zhil: Memuary Neprimknyvshego : ]
Moscow: Moskovskaia Shkola Politicheskikh Issledovanii, 2005
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 37.70
This is the memoirs of Richard Pipes (b. 1923), a world renowned historian of Russia. He left Poland, the country of his birth, right before WWII at the age of 16 for the USA. Pipes became a professor at Harvard University; he also served as an adviser to President Regan and in the National Security Council.
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Code: 023327
Vvodia Nravy i Obychai Evropeiskie v Evropeiskom Narode"
K Probleme Adaptatsii Zapadnykh Idei i Praktik v Rossiiskoi Imperii

[ Vvodia Nravy i Obychai Evropeiskie v Evropeiskom Narode" : K Probleme Adaptatsii Zapadnykh Idei i Praktik v Rossiiskoi Imperii ]
Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2008
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 29.00
This book is based on papers presented at the conference “XVIII century. Transfer of European Ideas to Russian Historical Context" (Moscow, 2006). Contents: A Monarchy based on law instead of despotism: The transfer and adaptation of European ideas.
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Code: 020466-2
Istoriia Afriki v Dokumentakh: V Trekh Tomakh
1870-2000: Tom 2: 1918-1869

[ Istoriia Afriki v Dokumentakh: V Trekh Tomakh : 1870-2000: Tom 2: 1918-1869 ]
Moscow: Nauka, 2007
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 35.00
This is the second volume of documents on the history of the African continent. The first volume (1870-1918) was published in 2005. The current volume covers 1870-2000 and includes 186 documents arranged by country, and then by the most important events and subjects.
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Code: 020466-3
Istoriia Afriki v Dokumentakh: V Trekh Tomakh
1870-2000: Tom 3: 1961-2000

[ Istoriia Afriki v Dokumentakh: V Trekh Tomakh : 1870-2000: Tom 3: 1961-2000 ]
Moscow: Nauka, 2007
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 39.00
This is the third volume of documents on the history of the African continent and Russian-African relations. Started in 2005. The current volume covers 1961-2000 and includes 159 documents arranged by country, and then by the most important events and subjects.
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Code: 018534
Smert` Imperii
Vzgliad Amerikanskogo Posla na Raspad Sovetskogo Soiuza

[ Smert` Imperii : Vzgliad Amerikanskogo Posla na Raspad Sovetskogo Soiuza ]
: Rudomino, 2003
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 29.00
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Code: 004591-30
Ezhegodnik SIPRI-1999
Vooruzhenie, Razoruzhenie i Mezhdunarodnaia Bezopasnost`

[ Ezhegodnik SIPRI-1999 : Vooruzhenie, Razoruzhenie i Mezhdunarodnaia Bezopasnost` ]
Moscow: Nauka, 2000
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 35.00
Special price: $ 29.00
This is the thirtieth volume of the annual prepared by Stockholm International Peace Research Institute and the seventh volume translated into Russian. The Russian edition includes several analytical materials and supplements prepared by scholars from the Russian Institute of World Economy and International Relations.
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Code: 004591-29
Ezhegodnik SIPRI-1998
Vooruzheniia, Razoruzhenie i Mezhdunarodnaia Bezopasnost`

[ Ezhegodnik SIPRI-1998 : Vooruzheniia, Razoruzhenie i Mezhdunarodnaia Bezopasnost` ]
Moscow: Nauka, 1999
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 28.00
This is the twenty-ninth volume of the annual prepared by Stockholm International Peace Research Institute and the sixth volume translated into Russian. The Russian edition includes several analytical materials and supplements prepared by scholars from the Russian Institute of World Economy and International Relations.
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Code: 023059
Kaplan, L`iuis E
Stalin: Chelovek, Kotoryi Spas Kapitalizm

[ Stalin: Chelovek, Kotoryi Spas Kapitalizm : ]
Moscow: Pokolenie, 2007
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 32.00
This is the first Russian translation of the original and deep book about the role of Joseph Stalin in the uniting, strengthening and developing capitalism and in increasing the prosperity of the capitalist countries, particularly the USA.
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Code: 003322
Aleksandrova, M.V
Rossiisko-Kitaiskie Prigranichnye Ekonomicheskie Otnosheniia

[ Rossiisko-Kitaiskie Prigranichnye Ekonomicheskie Otnosheniia : ]
Moscow: In-t Dal`nego Vostoka RAN, OGNI, 2005
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 29.90
This monograph deals with regional relations between Russia and China along their mutual border. It contains results of comparative analysis of strategies and programs of economic and social development on both sides of the border and direct economic ties and interactions.
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Code: 008259-2
Rossiia i SShA: Ekonomicheskie Otnosheniia. 1933-1941
Sbornik Dokumentov

[ Rossiia i SShA: Ekonomicheskie Otnosheniia. 1933-1941 : Sbornik Dokumentov ]
Moscow: Nauka, 2001
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 25.50
This is the first publication of the documents on the history of Russian-American economic relations in a nine year period, including the first two years of World War II. The first volume was published in 1997.
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Code: 006811
Trigubenko, M.E. et al
Problemy Koreiskogo Poluostrova
Rossiiskaia Diplomatiia v Koree v 1998-1999 Godakh

[ Problemy Koreiskogo Poluostrova : Rossiiskaia Diplomatiia v Koree v 1998-1999 Godakh ]
Moscow: Epikon, 2000
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 16.50
This analytical report was prepared by scholars from the Center of Asian Studies. For the last few decades the Korean peninsula was one of the "hot spots" of Asia, which destabilized the political situation in neighboring countries.
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Code: 020220
Bzhezinskii, Zbignev (Brzezinski, Zbignev)
Vybor: Global`noe Gospodstvo ili Global`noe Liderstvo

[ Vybor: Global`noe Gospodstvo ili Global`noe Liderstvo : ]
Moscow: Mezhdunarodnye Otnosheniia, 2005
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 19.00
Zbignev Brzezinski, an imposing figure in modern political science, deals with the international mission of the USA as the only superpower which could be a guarantor of stability and security for the rest of the world.
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Code: 028488
Ergin, Deniel (Daniel Yergin)
Dobycha: Vsemirnaia Istoriia Bor`by za Neft`, Den`gi i Vlast`

[ Dobycha: Vsemirnaia Istoriia Bor`by za Neft`, Den`gi i Vlast` : ]
Moscow: Al`pina Pablisher, 2011
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 54.00
Special price: $ 49.00
Written by the author of "Shattered Peace" and "Energy Future", this book brings to life the tycoons, wildcatters, monopolists, regulators, presidents, generals and sheiks whose struggle for oil has shaken the world economy, dictated the outcome of wars, transformed the destiny of Britain and the world and profoundly changed all our lives.
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Code: 020225
Dann, Dennis (Dunn, Dennis)
Mezhdu Ruzvel`tom i Stalinym
Amerikanskie Posly v Moskve

[ Mezhdu Ruzvel`tom i Stalinym : Amerikanskie Posly v Moskve ]
Moscow: Tri Kvadrata, 2004
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 34.00
This book is about the early stage of Soviet-American relations: 1930-1940s. It is a story of the first five American ambassadors to Russia, of the evolution of their views on these relations analyzed on a background of the personal relations between American president Roosevelt and Joseph Stalin.
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Code: 031034
Snaider, T. (Timothy Snyder)
Rekonstruktsiia Natsii

[ Rekonstruktsiia Natsii : ]
Moscow: Letnii Sad, 2013
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 25.00
Timothy Snyder traces the emergence of four rival modern nationalist ideologies from common medieval notions of citizenship. He presents the ideological innovations and ethnic cleansings that abetted the spread of modern nationalism, but also examines recent statesmanship that has allowed national interests to be channeled toward peace.
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Code: 024099
Zakariia, Farid (Zakaria, Fareed)
Postamerikanskii Mir

[ Postamerikanskii Mir : ]
Moscow: Evropa, 2009
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 27.00
Fareed Zakaria, the editor-in-chief of Newsweek International, a host of his own show on CNN, is one of the best known American political experts and scientists. This book is his attempt to foresee a future world order where the USA will not be the hegemon but just one of several great powers.
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Code: 030911
Blum, Uil`iam (William Bloom)
Ubiistvo Demokratii
Operatsii TsRU i Pentagona v Period Kholodnoi Voiny

[ Ubiistvo Demokratii : Operatsii TsRU i Pentagona v Period Kholodnoi Voiny ]
Moscow: Kuchkovo pole, In-t Vneshenepoliticheskikh Issledovanii, 2013
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 42.00
Is the United States a force for democracy? In this classic and unique volume that answers this question, William Blum serves up a forensic overview of U.S. foreign policy spanning sixty years.A negative history of American interventions into other countries with help of "velvet" revolutions since WWII from a left perspective.
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Code: 029390
Sonders, F.S. (Saunders, Frances Stonor)
TsRU i Mir Iskusstv
Kul`turnyi Front Kholodnoi Voiny

[ TsRU i Mir Iskusstv : Kul`turnyi Front Kholodnoi Voiny ]
Moscow: Kuchkovo pole, Institut Vneshnepoliticheskikh Issledovanii i Initsiativ, 2013
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 42.00
During the Cold War, writers and artists were faced with a huge challenge. In the Soviet world, they were expected to turn out works that glorified militancy, struggle and relentless optimism. In the West, freedom of expression was vaunted as liberal democracy`s most cherished possession.
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Code: 012945
Liudi Vozdukha, ili Kto Stroit Mir?

[ Liudi Vozdukha, ili Kto Stroit Mir? : ]
: In-t Ekonomicheskikh Strategii, 2005
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 19.50
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Code: 029376
Eikhengrin, Barri (Barry Eichengreen)
Nepomernaia Privilegiia: Vzlet i Padenie Dollara

[ Nepomernaia Privilegiia: Vzlet i Padenie Dollara : ]
Moscow: Izd-vo Instituta Gaidara, 2013
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 24.00
Recent events in the US--high unemployment, record federal deficits, and unprecedented financial distress--have raised serious doubts about the future of the dollar. So profound has been the impact that some say the dollar may soon cease to be the world`s standard currency.
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