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Since 1989 Panorama of Russia has specialized in academic and reference publications from the Russian Federation and the Commonwealth of Independent States. |
| Code: 032129 Plakhov, AndreiKino na Grani Nervnogo Sryva Sbornik Statei [ Nervous wreck cinema : Sbornik Statei ] St. Petersburg: Masterskaia Seans, 2014 Language: Russian |
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Bakunin: Pro et Contra [ Bakunin: Pro et contra ] St. Petersburg: RKhGI, 2015 Language: Russian |
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Partii Rossiiskikh Promyshlennikov i Predprinnimatelei Dokumenty i Materialy: 1905-1906 gg. [ Parties of Russian manufacturers and entrepreneurs : Documents and materials: 1905-1906 ] Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2004 Language: Russian |
Code: 032181 Rubinshtein, L.SBol`shaia Kartoteka [ Big card index ] Moscow: Novoe izd-vo, 2015 Language: Russian |
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| Code: 031829 Gromov, AleksNarkom Beriia: Zlodei Razvitiia [ People`s commissar Beria: Villain of development ] Moscow: Tsentrpoligraf, 2015 Language: Russian |
Price: $ 47.00 Special price: $ 42.30 | Code: 002777 Gacheva, A.GNam ne Dano Predugadat`, Kak Slovo Nashe Otzovetsia…" Dostoevskii i Tiutchev [ "We are not to predict what affect our word will have…" : Dostoevsky i Tiutchev ] Moscow: IMLI, 2004 Language: Russian |
Code: 032194 Odesskii, M.P.; Fel`dman, D.MMiry I.A. Il`fa i E.P. Petrova Ocherki Verbalizovannoi Povsednevnosti [ Worlds of I.A. Il`f and E.P. Petrov : Essays on verbal everyday life ] Moscow: RGGU, 2015 Language: Russian |
Price: $ 29.00 Special price: $ 26.10 | Code: 001801
Politbiuro TsK RKP(b) - VKP(b) i Evropa Resheniia "Osoboi Papki": 1923-1939 [ The Politbureau of the Central Committee of RCP(b)- ARCP(b) and Europe : Resolutions from the "Special Folder": 1923-1939 ] Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2001 Language: Russian |
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Sila Vzgliada: Glaza v Mifologii i Ikonografii Sbornik Statei [ The force of a glance: Eyes in mythology and iconography : Collected articles ] Moscow: RGGU, 2014 Language: Russian |
Price: $ 21.00 Special price: $ 18.90 | Code: 011574 Dobrovol`skii, A. VSotsialisty-Revoliutsionery Sibiri Ot Raspada k Samolikvidatsii [ Socialist-Revolutionaries of Siberia : From break-up to self liquidation ] Novosibirsk: [n/p], 1997 Language: Russian |
Code: 003239 Shelokhaev, V.VKonstitutsionno-Demokraticheskaia Partiia v Rossii i v Emigratsii [ The Constitutional-Democratic Party in Russia and emigration ] Moscow: Rossiiskaia politicheskaia entsiklopediia, 2015 Language: Russian |
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Code: 031855 Tsybul`ka, SemenShob Ia Tak Zhil Anekdoty iz Odessy [ You may not believe this, but I swear... : Anecdotes from Odessa ] Moscow: Argumenty Nedeli, 2015 Language: Russian |
Price: $ 18.00 Special price: $ 16.20 | Code: 001594
Desiat` Let, Kotorye Potriasli... 1991-2001 gg [ Ten years, that shook... : 1991-2001 ] Moscow: Vagrius, Literaturnaia Gazeta, 2002 Language: Russian |
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Sudebniki XV-XVI Vekov [ Codes of law 15th - 16th centuries ] St. Petersburg: Nauka, 2015 Language: Russian |
| Price: $ 28.00 Special price: $ 25.00 | Code: 028487 Dzhadson, Oliviia (Olivia Judson)Kazhdoi Tvari—po Pare Seks Radi Vyzhivaniia [ Kazhdoi Tvari—po Pare : Seks Radi Vyzhivaniia ] Moscow: Al`pina non-fikshn, 2012 Language: Russian |
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